Three Signs That Your Home Has Woodworm

Woodworm has been a pest that has plagued UK homes since we started using timber, and requires treatment as soon as possible. It can cause lasting damage if left untreated, and this can often result in expensive repairs or replacements.

That’s why we’ve created this guide on how to identify this type of parasite, so you can begin woodworm treatment as soon as possible in order to prevent unnecessary and severe damage to timber products in your home.


What Is Woodworm?

Woodworm is a small and indistinguishable parasite that eats and lives within timber. Often you can only spot the signs, not the worm itself. This is because the damage is caused by larvae, not mature specimens. Worms lay eggs in old, untreated timber and throughout many years the infants feast on the wood in order to grow and mature.

As a result, it’s extremely important to identify the indicators, not the worm itself. If you look for the pest you’ll often miss it. However, the signs are much more prominent. Please see below for the three main symptoms to look out for so you can hire professional woodworm treatment to ensure no further damage is caused.


Holes In Timber

Woodworm holes are the most obvious and commonly known sign that you have an infestation. They’re caused by larvae burrowing and consuming the timber over many months, or even years. If you notice holes in old timber, it’s essential you contact a professional woodworm treatment service before the damage becomes too severe

woodworm holes



Frass is the excrement of woodworm. As larvae grow and mature, this excrement builds up into small piles. You can find frass at the base of timber or on the surface below. It’s easily identifiable but unfortunately only builds up to a noticeable amount once an infestation has taken hold. We recommend consulting an expert woodworm treatment service as soon as possible if you notice frass.

woodworm frass


Brittle & Cracked Timber

Brittle and cracked timber is a surefire sign that you need woodworm treatment. As the parasite replicates and spreads, it starts to jeopardise the integrity of the timber it’s consuming. If you notice this sign, then you likely have a woodworm problem that’s in the later stages. In order to salvage what little remains of strong, uninfected timber, you must contact woodworm specialists.

woodworm cracked timber


Choose Orchard Preservations For Expert Woodworm Treatment

We’re experts in woodworm treatments. If your home has an infestation and you’ve noticed any of the signs mentioned here, then get in touch with us today. We specialise in professional techniques to ensure all woodworm is eradicated efficiently and safely.

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