Are Damp Walls Bad For You?

Damp & mould are not just an unattractive problem if left they can end up effecting your health. By recognising and understanding common damp problems, you’ll learn how to prevent them and keep your home healthy.

What Is Black Mould

One of the effects of damp walls can be the growth of black mould spores, which are toxic to humans. If anyone in the household is asthmatic this can cause an asthma attack. Fungicidal paint and mould treatment kits can help limit the problem but may not be a permanent fix.

By identifying the source of the damp, you will be able to resolve the issue and greatly improve and reduce the risk to you and your family’s health.

How Mould Effects Your Health

Black mould is by far the most serious concern when dealing with damp but something just as small as a little patch of damp can influence health. Over a long period of time a healthy adult may not be affected but children, the elderly and sick can be affected by a humid atmosphere. Illnesses that they can be exposed to can include colds and flus, infections like tonsillitis and bronchitis and even pneumonia.

How To Treat Damp Problems

To treat damp at home, there are a few things you can do. It can be as simple as installing or ensuring your current extractor fan is working in rooms such as bathrooms & kitchens. Even controlling the temperature by opening the window to allow in cool air to circulate and help with the damp problem.

Treat Damp Problems With Orchard Preservations  Exeter

If the damp has become to much or you just aren’t sure our experienced and reliable team will be able to implement an effective treatment that works for your needs.

Orchard Preservations has over 20 years experience damp proofing homes and businesses in the South West. We specialise in both rising damp and penetrating damp, and can quickly identify and recommend the best course of action for you to take to prevent damp from damaging your home. Contact us today for more specialist advice.

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