The Advantages Of Rot Treatment

Rot is often an issue for old timber, and requires treatment as fast as possible in order to preserve and prevent unnecessary damage. The UK has an extremely high number of old and listed [...]

Wet Rot Prevention

Tips For Identifying And Preventing Wet Rot In Your Home   What Is Wet Rot? Wet rot is characterised by a variety of fungal species, such as coniophora puteana and choanephora cucurbitarum. [...]

Treating Dry Rot

What Causes Dry Rot? Spores exist in the air and atmosphere naturally, however, become much more of an issue when it discovers the right conditions in order to germinate. This typically involves [...]

How To Identify Dry Rot Devon

Before any kind of treatment, you need so make sure you know how to identify dry rot? Afterall, how are you going to know to treat something if you don’t know it’s there? It’s useful to have this [...]

What Is Dry Rot

Dry rot is a very serious problem that affects many homes across the UK. If found, experts like those at Orchard Preservations should be contacted immediately to prevent further structural damage [...]